Solving Medical Mysteries
Through Team Science

Participant 038

pontocerebellar hypoplasia, type 2D


Female, age 3 with pontocerebellar hypoplasia, type 2D caused by changes in the SEPSECS gene

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Participant 037

hypotonia, seizures


Male, age 4, with low muscle tone (hypotonia), seizures (epilepsy), and developmental delay

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Participant 036


Male, age 4, with absent speech, low muscle tone (hypotonia), developmental delay, small head size (microcephaly), and short stature

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Participant 035



Male, age 4, with a history of infantile spasms and an undiagnosed metabolic disorder (elevated alanine and lactate).

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Participant 034

weakness, dizziness, & paralysis


Female, age 26, with muscle weakness and pain (myalgia), chronic fatigue, exercise intolerance, and severe episodes of weakness, dizziness, and paralysis.

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Participant 033

progressive muscle weakness


Female, age 17, with limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2Y caused by changes in the TOR1AIP1 gene.

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Participant 032



Male, age 5, with developmental delay and abnormal MRI findings (T2 hyperintensity of caudate nuclei and putamen bilaterally) caused by changes in the MECR gene

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Participant 031



Male, age 6, with developmental regression, hypotonia, difficulty controlling voluntary movements (limb and truncal ataxia), and lack of coordination caused by a change in the IRF2BPL gene

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Participant 030

Schnitzler syndrome


Male, age 70, with Schnitzler syndrome

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Participant 029

infantile spasms


Male, age 4, with seizures (infantile spasms), abnormal MRI findings (delayed myelination, thinning of the corpus callosum), and developmental delay

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